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Preliminary Monthly Weather Analysis
Subsaharan Africa 2004
From the African Desk, Climate Prediction Center, NOAA
Note: This information should be used with caution.
Weather data based on preliminary reports.
December 21-31 2004 - Heavy rains continued to pound the coastal areas and northern parts of Madagascar, as well as northern Mozambique, Malawi, and Zambia. Beneficial rains fell over the Maize Triangle of South Africa. Moderate to heavy rains sustained moisture over southwestern Kenya. In central Africa, moderate to heavy rains (72-202 mm; 87-425% of normal) fell locally over the northern and southern areas of Gabon, while lighter rains fell in the central areas. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated seasonable dryness over much of CAR, Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea. Dry conditions also prevailed over northern DRC. However, rainfall estimates ranged between 50 and 150 mm across most of DRC and southern Congo. They ranged between 10 and 50 mm over northern Congo.
> - December 11-20 2004 - Heavy rains continued to soak northeastern Zambia. Portions of western Tanzania and northern Mozambique also received heavy rains. Beneficial rains fell locally over South Africa, However, light rains sustained moisture deficits over portions of the Maize Triangle. Moderate to heavy rains returned to southwestern Kenya. In central Africa, moderate to heavy rains (34-337 mm; 228-329% of normal) fell over northwestern Gabon, while lighter rains (13-28 mm; 27-74% of normal) occurred over the remainder of the country. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated seasonable dryness over northern Cameroon and most of CAR. The estimates ranged between 10 and 75 mm over southern Cameroon. Dry conditions prevailed along the northern edges of DRC and Congo, while rainfall estimates ranged between 75 and 200 mm along the eastern border of DRC. They ranged between 10 and 75 mm across Congo. Temperatures were 1 to 2 degrees C above normal across Gabon.
December 1-10 2004 - Light rains persisted over southwestern Kenya, while heavy rains sustained moisture in the eastern areas of the country. Heavy rains also persisted over southern Somalia. Heavy rains soaked most of Zambia, while the remainder of southern Africa received beneficial rains. However, more moisture is needed over portions of South Africa’s Maize Triangle. In central Africa, moderate to heavy rains (54-110 mm; 98-132% of normal) fell locally over northern and western Gabon. However, light to moderate rains (8-94 mm; 30-75% of normal) fell over portions of northern and southern Gabon. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated heavy rains (75-150 mm) over Equatorial Guinea, southern Congo, and most of DRC. Rainfall estimates ranged between 10 and 50 mm over portions of the northern areas of DRC, and Congo. Dry conditions prevailed over extreme northern DRC, CAR, and Cameroon. Temperatures were generally 1 to 2 degrees C above normal across Gabon.
November 21-30 2004 - Moderate rains soaked most part of Kenya and Tanzania. The slow start of the southern African rainy season continued with light rains across most of the region. Unseasonable wetness prevailed over parts of the southern areas of the Gulf of Guinea region. In central Africa, seasonable dryness prevailed over northern Cameroon and most of CAR. Light to moderate rains (4-68 mm; 28-124% of normal) fell over Gabon. However, moderate to heavy rains (66-87 mm; 83-116% of normal) fell over southwestern Congo. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated moderate to heavy showers (25-200 mm) across DRC and Congo. Temperatures were generally 2 to 3 degrees C below average across CAR and 1 to 2 degrees C below average over eastern Gabon and 1 to 2 degrees C above average across western Gabon.
November 11-20 2004 - The bread basket of Kenya, mainly the southwestern portion of the country once again registered rainfall deficits. The slow start of southern Africa rainy season was sustained with light rains across most of the region. Unseasonable wetness prevailed over parts of the southern areas of the Gulf of Guinea region. In central Africa, seasonable dryness prevailed over northern Cameroon and most of CAR. Moderate to heavy rains (82-151 mm; 111-192% of normal) fell locally over southwestern Cameroon and southern Gabon. However, most of Gabon registered rainfall deficits. Rainfall amounts in those areas ranged between 31 and 145 mm (24-65% of normal). Satellite rainfall estimates indicated widespread showers (25-150 mm) across DRC and Congo.
November 1-10 2004 - Seasonably moderate to heavy rains hit southern Africa as well as portions of east Africa. The dry season took hold over the Sahel region. In central Africa, moderate to heavy showers (20-141 mm) spread across eastern CAR and Cameroon, while light to moderate showers (8-68 mm) soaked most part of Gabon and southeastern CAR. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated moderate to heavy rains (25-150 mm) across DRC. The estimates ranged between 25 and 75 mm across Congo. Temperatures were generally 1 to 3 degrees C below normal over CAR and 1 to 2 degrees above normal over Cameroon and Gabon.
October 11-20 2004 - Unseasonably heavy rains hit southern Africa as well as portions of the African Horn. The dry season took hold over the central and eastern Sahel region. In central Africa, heavy showers (75-200 mm, 125-200% of normal) spread across DRC, western Gabon, and southern Central African Republic. Lighter amounts fell elsewhere. Reported temperatures were within 2 degrees C of normal.
October 1-10 2004 - Light rains fell across most of the Sahel, with moderate to heavy rains reported in some areas. Rainfall deficits prevailed across most of Chad, Mali, Senegal and Mauritania. Heavy downpours soaked coastal areas of Ghana, Côte D’Ivoire, Togo and Benin. In central Africa, seasonal rains fell over southwestern Gabon, and northern and western Cameroon (40-128 mm; 88-282% of normal). Scattered showers fell over CAR and northern Gabon (6-73 mm). Satellite rainfall estimates indicated 25-100 mm over the northern half of Congo and most of DRC. Seasonably dry conditions prevailed across southern Congo and southwestern DRC. Temperatures were generally 1 to 4 degrees C below normal across the region.
September 21-30 2004 - Light rains fell across most of the Sahel, with moderate to heavy rains reported in some areas. Rainfall deficits prevailed across most of Niger and Mauritania. Heavy downpours soaked coastal areas of Ghana. In central Africa, seasonal rains fell over eastern Gabon and northwestern Cameroon (40-282 mm; 155-281% of normal). Scattered showers fell over CAR and southern Cameroon (10-106 mm). Satellite rainfall estimates indicated 10-75 mm over the northern half of Congo and most of DRC. Seasonably dry conditions prevailed across central Gabon, southern Congo and southeastern CAR. Temperatures were generally 1 to 2 degrees C above normal across the region.
September 11-20 2004 - Beneficial rains sustained moisture in the Groundnut basin of Senegal, while rainfall deficits prevailed across most of the remainder of the Sahel. Heavy downpours soaked southeastern Nigeria. Heavy rains also sustained moisture over western Ethiopia. In Central Africa, moderate to heavy rains (25-73 mm; 112-216% of normal) soaked central Gabon and portions of western Cameroon, while moderate rains (36-52 mm; 58-92% of normal) fell over CAR and northern Cameroon. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated light rains (10-25 mm) across most of DRC and Congo, except the northern areas, where rainfall estimates ranged between 50 and 100 mm. Temperature departures were generally 1 to 2 degrees C above average across Gabon and Cameroon. They were 1 to 3 degrees C below average across CAR.
September 1-10 2004 - Beneficial rains sustained moisture in the Groundnut basin of Senegal and over portions of Western Mali. However, southern Mauritania,northern Senegal, Niger, Chad, and Guinea received lighter than normal rains. Heavy downpours continued to soak western Ethiopia. In Central Africa, moderate but unseasonable rains (11-49 mm; 110-371% of normal) fell over portions of northern and eastern Gabon. Light rains (11-44 mm; 15-49% of normal) fell across CAR and the northern half of Cameroon. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated light to moderate rains (10-50 mm) across most of DRC and the northern half of Congo. Seasonable dryness prevailed over the extreme southern areas of DRC. Temperatures averaged 1 to 2 degrees C above normal across Gabon. They were 2 to 3 degrees C below normal aver Cameroon and CAR.
August 21-31 2004 - Moderate to heavy rains sustained moisture over portions of the Sahel, while drier than normal conditions persisted over northwestern Senegal and southern Mauritania. Heavy rains persisted over Sierra Leone and eased short term dryness over Liberia. Heavy rains also pounded western Ethiopia. In Central Africa, light to moderate rains (11-153 mm;15-63% of normal) fell across most of CAR and Cameroon. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated light to moderate rains (25-75 mm) over the northern halves of DRC, Congo, and Gabon. Seasonable dryness prevailed in the southern areas of those countries. Temperatures averaged 1 to 2 degrees C below normal over Gabon. They were 1 to 3 degrees C below average in Cameroon and CAR.
August 11-20 2004 - Beneficial rains continued to fall over most of Senegal, while central Mali, central Niger, and central Chad continued to receive light rains. Heavy rains continued to pound southern Sudan and western Ethiopia, while the Cape provinces of South Africa continued to receive beneficial rains for the winter crops. In Central Africa, satellite rainfall estimates indicated moderate to heavy (50-100 mm) across CAR, central and northern Cameroon, northern DRC, and northern Congo. Rainfall estimates were light (10-25 mm) across central DRC, while seasonable dryness prevailed over southern DRC, central and southern Congo, Gabon, and Equatorial Guinea. Temperatures were about 1 to 2 degrees C above normal across Gabon.
August 1-10 2004 - Seasonal rains started over northwestern Senegal while conditions were dry across portions of southwestern Mali and central Chad. Seasonal rains continued over the highlands of Ethiopia and Eritrea, some of which were heavy. Heavy rains drenched southeastern Sudan while spotty rains result in dryness over portions of central Sudan. Beneficial rain was accompanied by colder than normal temperatures over parts of western South Africa. In Central Africa, seasonal rains (25-130 mm) fell over most of Cameroon, CAR and extreme northern DRC. Scattered showers (5-25 mm) fell across central DRC and northern Congo. Seasonably dry conditions prevailed in Gabon, southern Congo as well as extreme southern and western DRC. Temperatures averaged 1 to 2 degrees Celsius above normal across southern Cameroon, CAR and Gabon.
July 21-31 2004 - Seasonal rains fell across most of the Sahel, with torrential rains reported in some areas. Seasonal showers had begun in Senegal’s Groundnut Basin and in parts of far southern Mauritania. Beneficial rains increased over the highlands of Ethiopia and Eritrea, while unusually dry conditions prevailed over parts of central Sudan. To the south, showers increased moisture for winter agriculture in Western Cape, South Africa while a strong winter storm produced heavy rain and snow over parts of eastern South Africa.
July 11-20 2004 - Seasonal rains benefited agriculture over the Ethiopian and Eritrean highlands, while rain begins to fall over Ethiopia’s Afar region. Unseasonable showers were observed over parts of northern Somalia, while rainfall eased short term dryness over southwestern Kenya. Seasonal rains were underway across much of the Sahel, with a start to the wet season observed over parts of southern Mauritania. The dry spell continues across Western Cape in South Africa.
July 1-10 2004 - Heavy rains soaked portions of the Gulf of Guinea region and central Burkina Faso, while light rains fell across portions of Mali, Niger and Chad. Sudan and Ethiopia also continued to experience moisture deficit. In central Africa, moderate to heavy rains (56-97 mm; 137-296% of normal) fell over southern CAR and locally over northern Gabon, while isolated heavy showers 207 mm (364% of normal) locally pounded portions of northern Cameroon. Light rains (14-29 mm; 14-64% of normal) fell across most of northern and central CAR, and portions of northern and western Cameroon. Seasonable dryness prevailed across most of Gabon. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated dry conditions in the southern areas of DRC and Congo. The estimates ranged between 10 and 50 mm in the northern areas. Temperatures were generally 1 to 2 degrees C above average.
June 21-30 2004 - The Ethiopian highlands continued to experience lighter than normal rains. Abundant rains continued to fall over the southern areas of the Sahel and the northern parts of the Gulf of Guinea region. In central Africa, moderate to heavy rains (47-91 mm; 94-192% of normal) fell over central CAR and locally in the southwestern part of the country, as well as over northern Cameroon. Dry conditions prevailed over most of Gabon. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated moderate to heavy rains (25-100 mm) over the northern areas of DRC and Congo, while seasonable dryness prevailed in the south. Temperatures were near normal over CAR. They were 1 to 3 degrees C below average over Gabon and Cameroon.
June 11-20 2004 - Seasonal showers were lighter than normal over the Ethiopian Highlands while the dry season was well underway over large portions of the Horn. Seasonal rains were underway across southern portions of the Sahel with normal to below normal rains over the Gulf of Guinea coast. In central Africa, seasonal rains fell across Cameroon, CAR and northern DRC (25-100 mm). Heavier rains fell in southwestern Cameroon near the Nigerian boarder (100-300 mm). Scattered showers were observed over northern Congo and central parts of DRC (5-25 mm) while dry conditions prevailed across Gabon, southern Congo and southern DRC.
June 1-10 2004 - Beneficial rains fell across the western highlands of Ethiopia, while unfavorably dry conditions were observed over portions of the eastern highlands. Seasonal rains were underway across central and southern Sudan, including parts of the Darfur region. Seasonal rains were off to a good start over the southern Sahel. A strong storm system produced moderate to heavy rains over parts of South Africa. In central Africa, seasonal rains fell across Cameroon, CAR, northern Gabon, northern Congo and northern DRC (25-80 mm). Scattered showers were observed over central Congo and central parts of DRC (5-25 mm) while seasonably dry conditions prevailed across southern Gabon, southern Congo and southern DRC.
May 21-31 2004 - Drier than normal weather prevailed over most of Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia. Very heavy rains persisted in southeastern Nigeria, while beneficial rains fell in southern Burkina Faso and southern Niger. In central Africa, Moderate to heavy rains (44-158 mm; 79-194% of normal) fell over northern and western Cameroon, western and central CAR, and locally over western Gabon. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated seasonable dryness over southern DRC and southern Congo. Rainfall estimates ranged between 50 and 100 mm in the northern areas of those countries. Temperatures were generally 1 to 3 degrees C below average over northern Cameroon, central CAR, and eastern Gabon.
May 11-20 2004 - Drier than normal weather eased flooding in Kenya. Very heavy rains persisted in southeastern Nigeria, while beneficial rains fell in Burkina Faso. In central Africa, Moderate rains (39-82 mm; 84-127% of normal) fell locally over northern and southwestern CAR, and over northern and coastal Cameroon. Light rains (1-28 mm; 2-53% of normal) fell over most of Gabon. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated 25-75 mm over northern DRC and northern Congo. Temperatures were near average across Gabon and CAR. They were 1 to 3 degrees C below average over Cameroon.
May 1-10 2004 - Abnormally heavy rains caused flooding in Kenya, while drier weather reduced the threat of flooding in Somalia. Very heavy rains struck northern and southeastern Nigeria. In central Africa, in contrast to the previous period, satellite estimates showed below-normal rainfall (10-50 mm, 25-75% of normal) over CAR, Gabon, Congo, and northern and central DRC. Temperatures averaged near to slightly above normal.
April 21-30 2004 - Somewhat drier weather over Ethiopia and Somalia favored areas that had experienced too much rain earlier in April, although heavy rains returned to western Kenya. Farther west, heavy rains hit southeastern Nigeria and western Cameroon. The ITCZ and accompanying rains continued to march northward on or ahead of schedule in West Africa and the Sahel. Southern Africa was seasonably dry. In central Africa, satellite estimates indicated near to above-normal rainfall (50-150 mm, 100-200% of normal) over CAR, Gabon, Congo, and northern and central DRC. Temperatures averaged near to slightly below normal.
April 11-20 2004 - Moderate to heavy rains continued to sustain moisture over northern Mozambique, southern Malawi, northern and southern Zimbabwe. Moderate rains also fell in the Free State of South Africa. Most of Ethiopia and Somalia received beneficial rains. Heavy rains also fell over northern Uganda. Burkina Faso and portions of western Mali continued to receive adequate rain for crop planting. In Central Africa, moderate to heavy rains (104-175 mm; 95-220% of normal) fell locally over northwestern and southwestern Gabon. Light to moderate rains (4-57 mm; 19-79% of normal) fell over northern Cameroon, western CAR, and most of Gabon. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated dryness over central and northern CAR. The estimates ranged between 10 and 50 mm over northern and central Congo and over northwestern DRC. They ranged between 75 and 200 mm over northeastern DRC and locally in the central areas. Temperatures were generally 1 to 3 degrees C above average over most of Gabon and southern CAR.
April 1-10 2004 - Unseasonably moderate to heavy rains fell over parts of western South Africa. Moderate to heavy rains sustained moisture over northern Mozambique and eased dryness over southern Malawi. Beneficial rains fell over most of the crop growing areas in eastern Africa. Heavy rains pounded southeastern Nigeria. In Central Africa, moderate to heavy rains (84-100 mm; 103-146% of normal) fell over southwestern and parts of northern Gabon and locally over southwestern Cameroon. Moderate rains (10-42 mm; 98-106% of normal) fell locally over southern and northern CAR. Lighter rains (11-52 mm; 30-75% of normal) fell over central Gabon and central CAR. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated 50-100 mm over most of DRC and Congo, while seasonable dryness prevailed over northern Cameroon. Temperatures were generally 1 to 2 degrees C above normal over most of Gabon, southern, and northern Cameroon. They were near average over CAR.
March 21-31 2004 - Heavy rains soaked the northeast coast of Madagascar, while central and portions of northern Mozambique received moderate to heavy rains. Light rains sustained moisture deficits over Malawi. Light rains also fell over most of the Maize Triangle of South Africa. In east Africa, the rainy season is off to a slow start. Light rains sustained moisture deficits over most of Kenya and parts of Ethiopia. In Central Africa, Moderate to heavy rains (35-70 mm; 87-112% of normal) fell over northern Gabon and locally over the southeastern areas. Light rains (10-57 mm; 11-63% of normal) persisted over central and most of southern Gabon. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated heavy rains (75-200 mm) over eastern and southern DRC, and over portions of central Congo. The estimates ranged between 10 and 75 mm over central and western DRC and over eastern Congo. They ranged between 10 and 50 mm over southern Cameroon and southern CAR, while seasonable dryness prevailed over northern Cameroon and northern CAR. Temperatures were generally 1 to 3 degrees C above normal over Gabon.
March 11-20 2004 - Tropical Cyclone Galifo dropped additional rains over southeastern Madagascar early in the period. Beneficial rains continued to fall over parts of the Maize Triangle of South Africa, and locally over southern and northwestern Zimbabwe. However, moisture deficits prevailed over most of the eastern half of Zimbabwe, southern Malawi, and Mozambique. Light to moderate rains prevailed over most of East Africa. In Central Africa, dry conditions prevailed over most of northern Cameroon and northern CAR, while Light to moderate rains (14-53 mm; 12-61% of normal) fell across Gabon. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated 10-100 mm across DRC and Congo. The heaviest amounts were confined to southern DRC, where estimates locally ranged between 75 and 150 mm. Temperatures were generally 1 to 3 degrees C above normal across Gabon, southern and central Cameroon, and southern CAR.
March 1-10 2004 - Tropical Cyclone Galifo dropped heavy rains over Madagascar, while beneficial rains fell over portions of northern Mozambique, central and southern Malawi, most of Zimbabwe, and portions of the Maize Triangle of South Africa. Moisture deficits prevailed over most of central Mozambique and northern Malawi. In Central Africa, isolated rains (72-128 mm; 98-160% of normal) soaked parts of northern and southern Gabon, while light to moderate rains (11-79 mm; 20-59% of normal) fell in the central part of the country. Light rains (3-31 mm; 12-69% of normal) fell over parts of southern CAR, and southwestern Cameroon, while seasonable dryness prevailed over northern CAR and northern Cameroon. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated isolated heavy downpours (75-150 mm) over parts of southern DRC and southern Congo, while estimates ranged between 10 and 50 mm in the northern areas of the two countries. Temperatures were generally 1 to 2 degrees C above average over Gabon, Cameroon, and CAR.
February 21-29 2004 - Beneficial rains continued to fall over the Maize Triangle of South Africa, Swaziland, and central Zimbabwe, while heavy rains elevated flood risks over southern Zambia. Light rains sustained moisture deficits over southern Zimbabwe, central Mozambique. Unseasonable rains continued to fall over southwestern Kenya. In Central Africa, isolated rains (60-115 mm; 85-238% of normal) soaked parts of northern and southern Gabon. However, light rains (1-35 mm; 1-71% of normal) fell over the central areas of the country. Light rains (2-13 mm; 12-56% of normal) fell over parts of southwestern CAR, and southwestern Cameroon, while seasonable dryness prevailed over northern CAR and northern Cameroon. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated light to moderate rains (10-75 mm) across DRC, and Congo. Temperatures were generally 1 to 2 degrees C above average over Gabon, Cameroon, and CAR.
February 11-20 2004 - Light rains continued to sustain moisture deficits over Lesotho, southern Mozambique, Malawi, and southern Zimbabwe. Light to moderate, but unseasonable rains continued to fall over parts of western Kenya. Light rains resulted in moisture deficits over parts of Tanzania and southern Ethiopia. In Central Africa, seasonable dryness prevailed across most of CAR and Cameroon although light rains (11-17 mm; 124-148 % of normal) fell locally over the southern parts of the two countries. Moderate to heavy rains (59-120 mm; 85-317% of normal) fell over most of Gabon. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated moderate to heavy rains (25-100 mm) across Congo and DRC. Temperatures were generally 1 to 3 degrees C above average across Gabon, southern Cameroon, and CAR.
February 1-10 2004 - Cyclone Elita dropped additional heavy rains earlier in the period along the central coast of Mozambique, and locally over northern and southern Madagascar, while light rains continued to sustain moisture deficits over Lesotho, Swaziland, most of the Maize Triangle of South Africa, and portions of Zimbabwe. Unseasonable rains continued to fall over parts of Kenya. In Central Africa, Cameroon and CAR continued to experience dry conditions during the period. Moderate to heavy rains (61-139 mm; 82-157% of normal) fell over northwestern and southwestern Gabon. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated moderate to heavy rains across southern parts of Congo and DRC. The heaviest amounts (75-150 mm) were confined to southern DRC and southern Congo. Temperatures were generally 1 to 2 degrees C above average over Gabon and southern Cameroon.
January 21-31 2004 - Tropical Cyclone Elita dumped heavy rains over northern Madagascar, and provided beneficial rains that continued to ease dryness over southern Malawi, southern Mozambique, and southern Zimbabwe. However, light rains fell over the Maize Triangle of South Africa and dryness continued to prevail over Swaziland and Lesotho. Unseasonable rains continued to fall over southwestern Kenya. In central Africa, dry conditions prevailed across Cameroon and CAR. Moderate to heavy rains (95-157 mm; 150-167% of normal) fell over northwestern and southwestern Gabon. Lighter rains (18-37 mm; 32-79% of normal) fell in the remainder of the country. Satellite rainfall estimates indicated moderate to heavy rains across Congo and DRC. The heaviest amounts (75-150 mm) were confined to the areas of central DRC and southern Congo. Temperatures were generally 1 to 3 degrees C above average over Gabon, CAR and southern Cameroon. They were 1 to 3 degrees C below average elsewhere.
January 11-20 2004 - Beneficial rains eased dryness over southern Malawi and central Mozambique, and abundant rains continued to fall over parts of South Africa’s Maize Triangle. However, drought conditions worsened across southern Zimbabwe and southern Mozambique. Unseasonable rains continued to fall over southern Kenya and the around the Lake Victoria. In central Africa, seasonal rains (25-150 mm) continued across most of DRC, Congo, southern Cameroon and Gabon. The heaviest rains occurred over eastern DRC, southern Congo, and western Gabon. Seasonable dryness prevailed across northern Cameroon and CAR. Temperatures averaged 1 to 3 degrees C above normal over Gabon. They were 2 to 3 degrees C below normal over CAR.
January 1-10 2004 - Dry conditions worsened the drought across central Mozambique and southern Malawi, while beneficial showers fell across South Africa's Maize Triangle. Abundant rainfall continued across northern Namibia, Angola and western Botswana. Late second season showers increased moisture across parched southeastern Kenya and northeastern Tanzania. In central Africa, seasonal rains fell over most of DRC, Congo, southern Cameroon and southern CAR (10-80 mm). Heavy rains fell across southern Gabon and east-central DRC (100-200 mm). Conditions were seasonably dry across northern Cameroon and northern CAR.
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